Having a hard time and need someone to listen to you?
Call our confidential, peer-run HEART Line at 617-902-0102 or email us at help@cambridge-heart.org for support. Even if you're unsure of what you need, feel free to reach out, and we can figure it out together.
Our line is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM to 4 PM. Please note, we currently offer support over the phone only. If we’re unable to answer, please leave a voicemail at any time, and we will return your call at our earliest convenience.

Support Hotlines
Below is a list of support hotlines that share similar values to HEART that may also be of assistance.
“BlackLine® provides a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences to folks who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens. Call BlackLine® prioritizes BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color). By us for us.”
More information here: https://www.callblackline.com/
Our peer support line is answered by a trained peer supporter who has their own first-hand experience with psychiatric diagnosis, trauma, addiction, and/or other interrupting challenges. This line does not collect personal information, perform assessment, or call crisis or the police. By phone every day: 7pm to 9pm Monday through Thursday; 7pm-10pm Friday through Sunday.
More information here: https://wildfloweralliance.org/peer-support-line/
“Trans Lifeline’s Hotline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers. Our operators are located all over the U.S. and Canada, and are all trans-identified. If you are in crisis or just need someone to talk to, even if it’s just about whether or not you’re trans, please call us. We will do our best to support you and provide you with resources.”
More information here: https://www.translifeline.org/hotline
1 (617) 742-4911 (voice)
1 (800) 832-1901 (Toll-Free)
“The Network/La Red’s 24-hour hotline provides confidential emotional support, information, referrals, safety planning, and crisis intervention for lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and/or transgender (LGBQ/T) folks, as well as folks in SM/kink and polyamorous communities who are being abused or have been abused by a partner. We also offer information and support to friends, family, or co-workers on the issue of domestic violence in LGBQ/T communities. All hotline staff are trained in domestic violence, peer counseling, crisis intervention, and safety planning. You don’t have to leave or want to leave your relationship to get support.”
More information here: http://tnlr.org/en/24-hour-hotline/
THRIVE Lifeline offers 24/7/365 judgment-free, confidential text messaging to individuals aged 18+. “If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis and need to chat with a qualified crisis responder, we are here for you. We are experienced suicide interveners who will help keep you safe during times of acute mental health crises. If you are not in an acute crisis, but are dealing with stress as you navigate identity, orientation, or barriers to academic and professional entry, we can help! We are here to support your whole-self and we’re happy to help you during these troubling times.”
More information here: https://thrivelifeline.org/
“A Call For Change is a free, anonymous, and confidential intimate partner abuse prevention helpline, serving adults and teens. Our responders are trained to treat all callers with respect, and to support their efforts to become and remain safe in their relationships. Rather than harming your partner, call us for help.
Family members, friends, and professionals who want to help someone stop harming their partner are also encouraged to contact A Call For Change.”
Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 365 days a year. Voicemails will be returned within 24 hours.
More information here: https://acallforchangehelpline.org/
About the HEART Line
What We Offer
Peer Support
The HEART Line provides emotional support over the phone, offering a safe space where you can share your feelings, explore coping strategies, and receive insights to help promote your well-being and recovery. Whether you're navigating difficult emotions or just need someone to talk to, we're here to support you.
Connection to Resources
The HEART Line provides emotional support over the phone, offering a safe space where you can share your feelings, explore coping strategies, and receive insights to help promote your well-being and recovery. Whether you're navigating difficult emotions or just need someone to talk to, we're here to support you.
What You Can Expect
You can expect…
A person who will listen to you with empathy, without judgment.
A person who will respect your choices in how to approach the situation.
A person who will work with you to create a plan for the future, based on your needs and preferences.
Rest assured, all information shared with us is confidential and will never be shared outside of our team without your consent. We are not mandated reporters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Currently, we are able to offer phone-based emotional support to individuals outside the Cambridge area and will rarely turn anyone away. However, since Cambridge HEART primarily focuses on serving the Cambridge community, our knowledge of resources outside this area may be limited, which could impact our ability to assist with resource navigation if you're located elsewhere.
When you call, your phone number will be visible to us. However, your number will never be shared with anyone outside of our team. If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, you can dial *67 before calling our number to block your caller ID (read more here).
No, we do not have access to your geolocation or any personal geographic data. You are not required to share your location with us, although we may ask for it in order to connect you to relevant resources in your area.
HEART responders are not mandated reporters and are not required to report instances in which someone is perceived to be a threat to themselves or someone else. We are not required to report instances of abuse.
Wait times may vary depending on call volume. If call volume is low, you'll likely be connected to a responder within a few minutes. During times of higher call volume, you may be placed in a queue and will be connected to the next available responder as soon as possible.