Our Impact
Cambridge HEART believes our community when they say what they need!
Cambridge HEART believes in the experiences of our community and never asks folks reaching out for support to prove their need. We trust that the people we support are the true experts of their own lives and that they know best what they need to thrive, which is why our approach is to provide holistic crisis support that is built on empathy, connection, and empowerment.
Since our launch in 2022, we have made a meaningful impact on individuals and families in our community. To date, we’ve supported around 100 people, with over 1,500 interactions. Our efforts have included:
Emotional Support
Offering validation, empathy, compassion, and human connection during difficult times.
Resource Sharing and System Navigation
Providing research, resource sharing, and guidance on housing, health, employment opportunities, and supporting individuals as they navigate complex systems.
Conflict De-escalation
Addressing interpersonal and organizational conflicts, preventing escalation, and fostering resolution.
Mutual Aid
Coordinating with donors and community members to address material needs such as rent, utility bills, furniture, and clothing.
Strength-based Planning
Collaborating with community members to create individualized plans that help them organize and motivate themselves toward their goals.
While some of our support services have evolved, here are additional ways we’ve assisted individuals in the past:
Accompaniment to Appointments: Assisting people with navigating housing, healthcare, and legal systems by attending appointments with them, including those with the Housing Authority, doctors, and the Department of Children & Family Services.
Court Support: Accompanying folks to court both as advocates and to provide emotional support.

Support Our Work
Interested in getting involved or supporting Cambridge HEART’s work?
Contact us at info@cambridge-heart.org or consider donating.